Sunday, February 10, 2013

Support Issues the past month

Apologies to those that have not received support over the past month or so. We've corrected issue with the support email. should be working correctly now which means you should get a response with a ticket number.

Thanks to MightyMango and Futiles for helping clear up the back log. If you still have an issue, please email again or drop a message in the support forum.

Sorry again for the delays. If you do not receive support after 3 or 4 days, please let me know.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Top 21 Most Popular for January 2013

January is gone. Now for a really short month since I delayed getting this done.

1. Stallion83 *
2. the dren *
3. smrnov *
4. Streak Leader *
5. pTartTX *
6. Boerke *
8. QuiCkz Ninja *
9. futiles *
10. dacoto *
11. Buckswana *
12. Darkest Lion *
13. Fshguy *
14. FragEmAndSmile *
15. Mightymango *
16. SparkyMP *
17. Elem3ntal80 *
18. Hotdogmcgee *
19. Fragilesound *
20. CKinAL *
21. Kaens *